By Cara Sands, Dolphin Project
Taiji, 1-12-20: Taiji’s dolphin hunters have certainly been kept busy this month. In this week alone, there have been four successful drives, with two pods of striped dolphins, one pod of Risso’s dolphins and a pod of bottlenose dolphins falling prey to the greed and ignorance of Japan’s dolphin hunts.
Our team of Dolphin Project Cove Monitors continues to document the ongoing horror of what these mammals endure at human hands, live streaming on our multiple social media platforms for the world to witness and to take action.
It’s hard to write the words to adequately convey what was witnessed today, with the hunt and slaughter of a pod of approximately 35 striped dolphins. After the mammals were driven into the Cove, several began to panic, suffering gruesome injuries in their attempts to escape. One mammal appears to have suffered grievous injuries to its upper (and possibly lower) jaw, bleeding profusely as a diver roughly pulls it off the rocks to its slaughter.
This is EXACTLY why we need to keep a small crew on the ground 24/7 for the entire six months of the Taiji dolphin killing season. This level of extreme cruelty is screaming to be exposed. We can never allow it to be hidden from the public – especially from the Japanese consumers. ~ Ric O’Barry, Founder/Director of Dolphin Project.
All members of this pod were slaughtered, their meat soon to be on the shelves of Japanese supermarkets – meat that is considered unsafe for human consumption.
Please view these images and the video clip below. They represent undeniable proof that Japan’s dolphin hunts are inhumane and extremely cruel. AND THEY MUST END.

A pod of striped dolphins is driven into the Cove for slaughter, Taiji, Japan. Credit:

Bloodied striped dolphin panics after being driven into the Cove for slaughter, Taiji, Japan. Credit:

Horrific injuries to this dolphin’s jaw are documented by our team, Taiji, Japan. Credit:

Horrific injuries to this dolphin’s jaw are documented by our team, Taiji, Japan. Credit:

Dolphin’s upper jaw appears to bend backwards during horrific struggle in the Cove, Taiji, Japan. Credit:

Horrific suffering at human hands: bleeding dolphin is lead to its death, Taiji, Japan. Credit:

Horrific suffering at human hands: bleeding dolphin is guided to its death, Taiji, Japan. Credit:

Dead striped dolphin lying on the beach after slaughter, Taiji, Japan. Credit: